Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Law of Attraction Success Networks. -- STARTS at 21 days!

are Possible.

Here is where it happens.

Create positive momentum

Make the decision that
STARTS NOW! Got bigger dreams?
Join the 90 DAYS of Law of Attraction Dream Team!

This is a FREE Event, pure and simple! We are a community of support for creating positive business momentum and celebrating success!


    • Remember that we are never given a dream without the equal capability to make it happen, but some habits must be changed, and deliberate intention towards this new direction takes focus.

    • Whether good or bad... Thoughts create realities-- whether we are aware of them or not... Become Aware of your THOUGHTS and the POWER of your THOUGHTS to create RESULTS.

    • Thought energy has a polarity.. Release yourself of NEGATIVE OBSTACLES and FOCUS on POSITIVES.. This simple action creates momentum and positive energy.

GETTING STARTED: What is it you intend or desire to manifest, be bold in envisioning the better state. Allow for that which you ask to be EVEN BETTER than you dreamed.. And during the next 21 days, take actions that expect and prepare you to receive it.. The biggest key to Positive Intention is believing you deserve this better outcome, and clearing the negativity, self doubt, habits, and confusion that keep you from recognizing it.

Over the next 21 days, this community forum will be moving positive energy as a group.. Energizing bigger visions, celebrating success, and helping one another become the results we aspire.. THIS is your community, its forum is open, however we WILL be offering some focus workshops and resources to help you... and because this event is chock full of Law of Attraction Experts, it is your UNIQUE opportunity to get help in building an even better result... Lets work together in the power of co-creation...

From 21 Days on, the 90 Day Dream Team will continue this focus for REALLY big dreamers... We are going to see success created and be a part of positive business intention.


SIGN UP:: RSVP NOW for EITHER 21 Days or 90 Days. Don't worry about the exact time and date.. 21 days from when YOU join you are committing to be MORE deliberate about speaking, dreaming and acting on what you DO want then fearing, resisting or worrying about what you don't. You will have tools, tips, and support of our group on the path, with lots of ideas and experience in creating and applying the law of attraction for business and career satisfaction!

BIG RULES: NO negative talk for the duration.. Become aware of the limitations and barriers you speak, and replace them.. Speak more of what it is YOU ARE creating or WISH to be creating and less about how desperate, hopeless, and defeated you feel.. The person you become in 21 - 90 days from now depends largely on the thoughts you think, books you read, people you associate with.. so create some positive associations, results, and a vision for your best self.. Its available to you.. will you invite it in?

  1. ASK: What business or professional result would you like to manifest?

  2. BELIEVE: Create a picture for how it will be when you have it. Notice that language that inspires you towards the desired state. Seek help from this community on brainstorming ideas that ENERGIZE your belief!

  3. RECEIVE: Express and experience gratitude for the progress and gifts that present themselves on the path- answers, solutions you never thought of, milestones of succcess or clarity.. Gratitude is powerful in receiving.

If you have questions , want to share the benefits, or need help along the way...

  • JOIN the JOBS N CAREER SUCCESS DISCUSSION GROUP to share ideas, celebrate, ask for help, etc.. THIS IS YOUR FORUM and all you need for the 21 Day Program.
  • INVITE OTHERS or JOIN US.. Anyone ANYTIME for the month of May and June can join us and participate. Feel free to bring friends to make up your power team... or who might also benefit from a positively intent group of professionals.
  • JOIN the DAWN MULAR FACEBOOK PAGE DISCUSSION GROUP for continued support. THIS IS YOUR FORUM and all you need for the 90 Day Program and this is where we will continue to celebrate and share Law of Attraction success tips!
  • INVITE OTHERS or JOIN US.. Anyone anytime can make a 90 day commitment.. we are your power team and we started this positive energy in May 2010 - August 10, 2010.

Got a business group in action? Invite them to join us.. Dawn Mular and several others in this network are experts in opportunity and we are happy to invite your groups to join us, or come to speak to support your organizations! Its all about success and we celebrate YOU.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Focus Factors on Law of Attraction

Jobs N Career Success has a 21 Days of Positive Business Intention challenge underway.. The gist is to spend more time energizing focus on what we DO want and less time worrying on those things we fear and dont want.. We are creatures of contrast, so sometimes what feels like "backsliding" can actually serve as a gift to focus our resolve on what it is we do want.

QUESTION: What do you do to Un'stick' yourself when you are feeling like you are stuck in a negative or counterproductive thought pattern?


Sunday, December 6, 2009

21 Days of Positive Intention: STARTS NOW...

is Possible.
And here is where it happens.
All you need to be doing to set in forth positive momentum
is to make the decision that


    • Remember that we are never given a dream without the equal capability to make it happen, but some habits must be changed, and deliberate intention towards this new direction takes focus.

    • Whether good or bad... Thoughts create realities-- whether we are aware of them or not... Become Aware of your THOUGHTS and the POWER of your THOUGHTS to create RESULTS.

    • Thought energy has a polarity.. Release yourself of NEGATIVE OBSTACLES and FOCUS on POSITIVES.. This simple action creates momentum and positive energy.

GETTING STARTED: What is it you intend or desire to manifest, be bold in envisioning the better state. Allow for that which you ask to be EVEN BETTER than you dreamed.. And during the next 21 days, take actions that expect and prepare you to receive it.. The biggest key to Positive Intention is believing you deserve this better outcome, and clearing the negativity, self doubt, habits, and confusion that keep you frome recognizing it.

Over the next 21 days, this community forum will be moving positive energy as a group.. Energizing bigger visions, celebrating success, and helping one another become the results we aspire.. THIS is your community, its forum is open, however we WILL be offering some focus workshops and resources to help you... and because this event is chock full of Law of Attraction Experts, it is your UNIQUE opportunity to get help in building an even better result... Lets work together in the power of co-creation...


  1. ASK: What business or professional result would you like to manifest?

  2. BELIEVE: Create a picture for how it will be when you have it. Notice that language that inspires you towards the desired state. Seek help from this community on brainstrorming ideas that ENERGIZE your belief!

  3. RECEIVE: Express and experience gratitude for the progress and gifts that present themselves on the path- answers, solutions you never thought of, milestones of succcess or clarity.. Gratitude is powerful in receiving.

If you have questions , want to share the benefits, or need help along the way...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Business Greater Good: reading "What Would Google Do'

Dawn Mular's "Connected" Radio emerging series is compelling individual and panel interviews on what Web 2.0 Recruiting means to creating business opportunity, revenue streams and more... EXCITING great talent coming.. ARE YOU CONNECTED? READY and MOVING BUSINESS?
Lets talk soon!

We are enjoying reading about web 2.0 business in the form "What Would Google Do" by Jeff Jarvis.

THINK, BE, DO, and CONNECT! Be your best personality, authentically YOU. Paraphrasing the big new rules:

1. Customers are in charge.. Letem be global, heard, and have impact.
2. People can find you and reach you anywhere (positive or negative)
3. Mass "traditional market" is replaced by mass community of niches
4. "Markets" are conversations now-- personal reachable, key.
5. Abundance exists when we shift from the limitation of scarcity. Profitability is not in Control, it is in abundance, it is in connecting, not in tight distribution.
6. Collaborate easily... listen always there are new potentials emerging from these conversations!
7. Enterprises are not defined by the size of corporate walls, the are defines by network influence with value!
8. You don't "own" the pipeline. You OWN the experience, your market strength, and your continued community relevance.. Create a shared experience of openness!

What's GOOGLE or corporations like it, got to do with the Law of Attraction?

Law of Attraction followers believe in the notion of thoughts becoming things... Not worrying so much about the "how" as the alignment and management of how we ASK , BELIEVE and RECEIVE.

GOOGLE and Corporations like it, apply the notion that they are not a portal for their niche, they are the networked platform for their people. In fact they are expanding the possibilities for one to "ASK and RECEIVE". Sort of like the "FIELD OF DREAMS" notion, they built it and the people did come. Google is post media, and creates gold for themselves and those who use them.. it is this exponential unchartered territory they cut by extending the way people THINK, BE, DO, and CONNECT.

WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ? Agree? Disagree? Wanna talk some more about it? We do too. The first in a series of communications with business professionals is happening now!!

  • WHAT SHOULD the individual in business do to align?

  • WHAT ARE corporations doing to benefit from this paradigm shift?

  • WHAT ARE the tips and traps to be avoided?

  • HOW IS there gold in them thar hills?

This and more coming soon... but the news is clear. THERE IS opportunity.

We will discuss this more on the HFCN Facebook Fan Page.. Join us there for notification of market, professional and industry focused discussions.

Jobs and Career Professional for community of energy and inspiration... ideas and synergy. Jobs n Career Success (Law of Attraction):

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Attract Success: Jobs and Career Success is SO RIGHT NOW!

The movement is creating energy and inspiration... ideas and synergy. Jobs n Career Success (Law of Attraction):

Professionals who are interested in professional networking, development, inspiration and becoming our best professional selves has never been greater!

Because of this success, we would like to showcase the quality of leaders within our community... thought leaders in Law of Attraction, Personal Development, Organization, Resume Writing, Career Development, Recruiting, Headhunting, etc. We welcome subject matter experts to share articles, blogs, and even work with our soon to be appointed officers to plan and publish events that help our members to bring their best professional selves forward.

We will be appointing honorary subject matter experts who will be featured in theHFCN business and social media in exchange for their participation and leadership in this growing community. Our officers are proven leaders in social media, who will continue to breath energy and quality content, by simply doing what it is that they do so well, naturally.

As an open network, our focus continues to be value added professional development resources. This is not the forum to hard sell, MLM sell, etc.. It IS the forum to nuture, network, create business synergies, etc.

If interested in consideration for one of our officer positions, please send to the following:



Company URL:

LinkedIn, Facebook, and/or Twitter URLs:

Subject Matter Blog URL:

Your Contact Information:

Dawn Mular Helping Friends LLC 3867 West Market #102 Akron, OH 44321 330.703.1007

HFCN on Facebook

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

21 Days Profile: Yvette Francino

21 Days of Positive Business Action and NO Complaining
Most of us spend more time lamenting what we don't want.. do we embody what we DO want?

FREE Program of Positive Business Intent Began August 11 runs through August 31. So far over a hundred professionals have embraced the desire to challenge themselves to speak positively of business with no complaining.. This is an OPEN initiative to Join or recommit any time.. 21 days of speaking your desired outcomes is about molding the energy you want to see in the world and life NOW!
Profiles: Yvette Francino
Lots of opportunity happens when you create momentum.. The purpose of interviewing is not to be picked, but to be able to pick the right opportunity to compliment your skills. The right job is a win for you, the company that employs you and the community you live in.. Yvette is interviewing for her next great job today in just a few hours.. Goal of course is to find the right job that compliments this womans competent, technical, managerial, and business skill set..

Lets send her positive energy that matches the positive action she has taken to materialize her perfect opportunity.. WISHING YOU SUCCESS!

LinkedIn | Facebook | DandyID

Social Media Coach, Trainer, and Speaker at New World Social Media

Energy goes where Yvette goes.. She is a runner, a writer, a great friend, a social media expert, an engineer, and so much more... such a positive inspiration!
"Yvette demonstrated a competence and passion for the work she performed. Yvette is always willing to apply herself, meet tight deadlines, and has the courage to speak up and promote new ideas. You can always rely on Yvette to do her best, complete work on time, and infuse quality every step of the way."






Tuesday, August 11, 2009

21 Days of Success Habits and No Negativity

21 Days of Success Habits Creation and No Negativity!!

Global Community Event for Positive Career and Business Development: RSVP and participate any time over the next 21 days! :D

FREE YOUR MIND, and Success will follow
Start Time:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 7:55am
End Time:
Monday, August 31, 2009 at 1:55am


If our thoughts create momentum for our realities, shouldn't our thoughts be really good? Several participants shared a link to a previous 21 Days Success Story, and much more of the benefits of a complaint free world.. VERY FUN. 21 Days documents a present community of energized business professionals who agree that for the next 21 days, we will embrace and recognize positive change, rejecting limitations and negative thinking that inhibits our success in business.. This exciting activity and journey is a several week workshop to enjoy, appreciate and celebrate career satisfaction.

  • Information about strategies for breakthrough results through networking, law of attraction, focus, and communication
  • Books, coaches, and resources – from our participants, and by our participants with ideas on how to recognize strategies, and plan for successful employment, performance, or personal prosperity strategies.
  • Tips to beat negative energy, reduce stress and increase our creative options to become our best selves.
  • Communities and strategies to support you. Successes and results to encourage you... We are a community that will be creating positive change and achieving exciting goals over the next 21 days.



It's common we get so busy making a living that we allow negative thinking or subconscious habits to get in the way of more productive activity. It has been shown that improving your alignment with success can help you work more effectively towards the happiness you desire. And reaching goals is more attainable when we know how to manage our life.

21 Days of Success Habits with no negativity will provide you with the community and good momentum to energize and understanding of what motivates you as well as:

  • Improving your communication skills by energizing your outlook and focusing on the picture, the results, and the resources that will get you there.
  • Focus on positive thinking tends to open more opportunities than worry about limitation.
  • Appreciating whats working seems to cultivate momentum for more good decisions than worrying about what you lack.
  • Achieving success by becoming your best self, and releasing old habits that do not help or serve you any longer.

This activity is designed to energize your focus on the jobs, career, or business results you desire. Feel free to use our community forum discussion to share resources, ideas, ask for help, celebrate results etc..



Set aside a few moments every day, to visualize the business success you wish to experience. Use this time and intentions to collect and view the positive resources you can bring into the experience to help attract opportunities that support that business outcome or objective.

You can participate in the community, sharing ideas and celebrating success, or simply and quietly focus on the journey and enjoy the positive energy of the community that you are contributing to. For the next 21 days, set time to be the amazing person in business and life that you aspire to be.. What does that look like? Why is that outcome so delicious?

  1. Network: Set your goals or desired outcomes in writing for at least yourself, with your coach, with our community if you wish.. Blog or share as you see fit. Desired Results. Progress.. Discoveries. Resources, HELP.. Success. Invite a friend, colleague, team or coach to participate on Facebook Group: Jobs N Career Success or in the 21 Days Discussion in the group.
  2. Visualize: See your goals unfold.. What would you be doing, feeling, being and why does that feel so good, with at least yourself, talk to friends or others on the network if you wish. Share ideas and strategies to allow this to manifest. Prepare to ALLOW the success to manifest in your professional life, what resources will help, what have others done?
  3. Accept: Each day take a little bold action towards recognition of that dream.. What can I say, do, be, or accomplish to get me closer to the goal. What can I simplify, release, get rid of and liberate, to make it more enjoyable?
  4. Appreciate: No criticism or negative- Only positive talk for you, your goals, your objectives, and desires. Set this objective for your self talk, with friends and family, and with this network as you see fit. As for Buddies, Coaches and Colleagues to help you to see and appreciate progress, goodness, and changes that support your dream. Share Results. Progress.. Discoveries. Resources, HELP.. Success.


  • Dedicated DAILY focus on the success we want to see in our professional development.
  • Deliberate intent to appreciate and speak positively of self, colleagues, & surroundings.
  • Leading Edge Community of positive people who create exponential business networks.
  • Web 2.0 Resourceful way of balancing energy and activity for goal setting results.

  • It is not a religious movement. It is an open and culturally diverse group of professionals globally working to positive business.
  • It is not turning a blind eye to negative input or pretending it doesn't exist. It is a group of balance, and part of balance is recognizing how to get the results we want, from where we are.
  • It is not a workshop with daily sessions, lectures, deliverables, dialins, or to dos.. It IS your program for liberation, with a community for resources, ideas, and celebration.
  • It is not a SPAM board to "expand links or connections, or sell books, services, MLM, or seminars. It is a community network of professionals who realize the value of win win business and conduct themselves accordingly. We WILL recommend resources, and encourage others to do the same. Those participating in SPAM activity or unsolicited aggressive counterproductive behavior will be removed from the group.